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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986

Sprouts - Seeds

All seed for sprouts are sold as "food" items and are GST free.

Growing sprouts at home is a simple and rewarding way to add fresh, nutritious greens to your diet and to have a constant supply of fresh, healthy greens throughout the year. Sprouts are young, edible plants that are easy to cultivate at home and also a cost-effective and sustainable addition to your culinary adventures. Keep the freshly harvested sprouts in the refrigerator, where they can remain fresh for up to a week. Ensure they are properly dried before storage to prevent spoilage. Sprouts can be added to a variety of dishes, including salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, and more. They are a nutritious addition to your diet, providing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Sprouting seeds follow the same germination principles as any other seeds—they thrive within a specific temperature range and won't germinate outside of it. If nighttime temperatures dip below the recommended range listed on the seed packet, the seeds are more likely to rot than sprout. This is especially a concern unless you live in the far Northern areas of Australia or have a heated space to maintain optimal conditions.

Eden Seeds item Seed Savers Needed Sprout & Eat
Select Organic item Edible Flowers Sprout & Cut
Certified Organic Add to Cart   
Click the seed variety name for more information.
Showing items 1 - 12 of 12
100g $9.00
400g $20.00
800g $38.00
20g $6.50
100g $12.00
400g $43.20
800g $77.70
Select Organic
20g $7.20
100g $28.80
400g $7.40
800g $13.40
4kg $59.40
400g $11.00
800g $17.60
4kg $75.00
400g $11.00
800g $17.60
4kg $75.00
100g $7.00
400g $19.00
800g $36.00
50g $6.50
100g $12.00
400g $20.30
800g $37.00
4kg $168.00
Select Organic
400g $7.00
500g $8.00
800g $9.00
4kg $49.60
Showing items 1 - 12 of 12
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