Site Security
Shop with confidence
At Eden Seeds & Select Organic our online checkout facility uses industry-standard encrypted SSL connections (Secure Sockets Layer) verified by 'Let's Encrypt' and our credit card payments are processed by 'eWay'.
How do you know the web page is secure?

You can verify an SSL connection in your browser's address bar, the beginning of the URL or web address changes from "http://" to "https://" accompanied by a padlock icon or the padlock icon will change from open to closed.
Please note: the padlock icon may be on the left or right side, or different position entirely.
If you wish to further investigate the validity of the secure connection, most web browsers (eg: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome etc) have a button near the address bar to view the current SSL Certificate details (try clicking on the padlock icon).
Processing your order
When we download orders from our website it is done so using SSL and a password-secured login system. Sensitive financial information is not emailed at any time, nor transmitted electronically over an unsecured connection. We do not receive/download/print/store your credit card information.
Credit Card processing with eWAY®
Eway is an Australian online payment gateway (PCI DSS 2.0 certified), you can read more about eWay's Merchant Trust Initiative here.
When you submit your credit card details through our checkout the data is sent directly and securely to eWay (using SSL) and a payment token is created. Later when your order has been assembled and is ready to be shipped we then use the payment token and authorise eWay to process your credit card payment securely with the bank. Please note that if a product is out of stock we will correctly adjust the total amount before authorising the payment with eWay.
eWAY® is an Australian online payment gateway (PCI DSS 2.0 certified). eWay handles the payment from your credit card as they are certified to manage this sensitive data securely.
At all stages during the whole process we never have access to your full credit card numbers and as such we do not store your credit card or payment information.
We currently accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express payments, as well as Direct Deposit.
What is SSL?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser, it also helps website users confirm the owner of the website. SSL uses a cryptographic system that encrypts data with two keys ensuring that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.