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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986

Newsletter - Summer 2013-14




It's time to plant

Check your needs of the following vegetable seeds now, or whatever you need for your area from the full catalogue, or at

  • Amaranth
  • Artichoke
  • Asparagus
  • Bean, Bush
  • Bean, Climbing
  • Beetroot
  • Capsicum
  • Carrot
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Chilli
  • Corn
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Endive
  • Gourd
  • Lettuce
  • Luffa
  • Mustard Greens
  • Okra
  • Pumpkin
  • Radish
  • Rhubarb
  • Rockmelon
  • Rosella
  • Salad Greens, Endive
  • Salsify
  • Spinach, Ceylon
  • Spinach, New Zealand
  • Squash, Button
  • Sunflower
  • Tomato
  • Turnip
  • Watermelon
  • Zucchini


  • Herbs


Seed saving

Long time seed savers (& supplier of Eden Seeds) Alan & Irene Radcliffe have success in growing seed for distribution to other growers .



 The Answer is in the Seed


By Bob Phelps*

A small cartel of agrochemical and seed companies now owns much of the world's seed supply. They send seed and food where they are most profitable, not where they are most needed. So the work of independent heirloom and open-pollinated seed producers and seed savers is critical to food sovereignty and security for our children and grandchildren.

Monsanto is now the biggest agrochemical and seed company in the world. It owns 27% of all commercial grain, fruit and vegetable seed and over 90% of all the genetically manipulated (GM) varieties of soybean, corn, canola, cotton and sugarbeet. Other seed giants are Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow.

Through cross-licensing agreements for GM herbicide tolerance, Bt insect toxin and virus resistance traits, these companies concentrate their collective ownership and control, and promote their patented, PVR and hybridized products. Farmers and gardeners are forced back to seed merchants every season to pay grossly inflated prices.

As oil and phosphates deplete over the next 50 years, arable land and water become scarcer, and the climate changes, broad-acre industrial food production will become non-viable. A transition to agro-ecological systems is essential and the sooner we start, the better. United Nations' models for necessary change include the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) and the UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013, "Make Agriculture Truly Sustainable Now for Food Security in a Changing climate"

Seed is the genesis of all life on Earth and the bedrock of our food supply, developed for us by farmers and seed savers over the past 10,000 years. Half the world's food is still produced by peasant farmers on small plots of land. The corporate hijacking of our publicly-owned and shared biological commons is not yet complete. Thanks to small seed producers and seed savers for nurturing a rich diversity of cultivated plant varieties for all to share.


Gene Ethics

* Bob Phelps is Director of Gene Ethics:
Web:        Tel: 1300 133 868        Email:



From little things, big things grow

The Federal Government's National Food Plan that was released in May includes grand ideas to grow the local food industry and in doing so, launch Australia on the world food map.


A Tumut councillor is encouraging residents to use their yards for food-growing rather than lawns.




Biodynamic Pasture Management

Biodynamic Pasture Management

Balancing fertility, life & energy. Includes fundamentals of organic pasture, biodynamics, use of preparations, ashing for pests and weeds. Peter is a New Zealand grazing consultant.
Peter Bacchus, 2013, 148 pages $24.00

The Albrecht Papers - Set of 8 Books

The Albrecht Papers - Set of 8 Books

The complete set of 8 books. During his long and distinguished career, Dr. Albrecht made the case for an agronomy based on healthy, balanced soil ecosystems rather than simplistic chemical inputs. Now, more and more farmers and agronomists are turning to the genuine science of Dr. Albrecht, whose observations and percepts are as applicable today as when they were first written.
Normally $262.
William A. Albrecht, $242.00
November Special: $198.00



With the first 20 orders receive a free copy of the Aug '13 Good Organic Gardening Magazine valued at $7.95

Albrecht's Foundation Concepts
(Vol. 1)

Albrecht's Foundation Concepts (Vol. 1)

Nature gave up her rare secrets to Dr. Albrecht simply because he was a curious farm boy who liked logic and adventure. Through his extensive experiments with growing plants, soils and their effect on animals, he sustained his theory and observation that a declining soil fertility, due to a lack of organic material, major elements, and trace minerals - or a marked imbalance in these nutrients - was responsible for poor crops and in turn for pathological conditions in animals fed deficient feeds from soils. These papers addressed to scientists, and especially to farmers who worked with nature are as valid today as when they were first written.
William A. Albrecht, 515 pages $44.00

Soil Fertility & Animal Health (Vol. 2)

Soil Fertility & Animal Health (Vol. 2)

Albrecht was the premier soil scientist and was dismayed by the rapid chemicalization of farming that followed WWII. This book is a well-organized explanation of the relationship between soil fertility and animal and human health. This is a great book for those familiarizing themselves with these concepts.
William A. Albrecht, 192 pages $22.00

Albrecht's Hidden Lessons (Vol. 3)

Albrecht's Hidden Lessons (Vol. 3)

The Albrecht Papers Volume 3. Noteworthy essays on soil and crops. Dr Albrecht was chairman of the Dept of Soils at Missouri university and a staff member for 43 years. Short papers written for popular reading. Reprinted 2013.
William A. Albrecht, 1989, 404 pages $38.00

Albrecht's Enduring Vision (Vol. 4)

Albrecht's Enduring Vision (Vol. 4)

The Albrecht Papers Volume 4. Explains soil-crop system, nutrient importance, biotic pyramid, Albrecht saw the danger in relying on chemicals instead of soil fertility and healthy crops. Reprinted 2013.
William A. Albrecht, 1992, 325 pages $34.00

Albrecht On Calcium (Vol. 5)

Albrecht On Calcium (Vol. 5)

This valuable collection of essays reveals the insights of a brilliant soil scientist ahead of his time. In this The Albrecht Papers, Vol. V, readers will find a carefully organized and convincing explanation of the relationship between calcium and soil fertility. It is not possible to discuss calcium, which Albrecht proclaims as the “King of Nutrients” without being led into the entire mosaic that Albrecht considers biologically correct farming. Albrecht’s work provides an indispensable foundation for anyone interested in sustainable, ecologically responsible agriculture - his teachings are more critical today than ever.
William A. Albrecht, 320 pages $34.00

Albrecht On Pastures (Vol. 6)

Albrecht On Pastures (Vol. 6)

This valuable collection of essays, The Albrecht Papers, Vol. VI, reveals the insights of a brilliant soil scientist who was ahead of his time in connecting the relationship between soil, plants and animals. Read about Albrecht's substantiated theory and observation that insufficient soil fertility was responsible for poor crops, weeds and thereby a poor diet for the cow in terms of her food choice and her output. Albrecht’s work provides an indispensable foundation for anyone interested in sustainable, ecologically responsible agriculture — his teachings are more critical today than ever.
William A. Albrecht, 247 pages $28.00

Albrecht On Soil Balancing (Vol. 7)

Albrecht On Soil Balancing (Vol. 7)

This collection of essays reveals a carefully organized and convincing explanation by Albrecht about the interconnection between soil, plants and animals - that everything is related to everything else. In these papers Albrecht reveals the importance of the balance equation, that it isn’t enough to have nutrient to soil connections, it is the ratio of one element to another that counts. Albrecht’s insight further reveals that an ounce of prevention in the form of balanced plant nutrition from fertile soils is better than a pound of cure using dangerous poisons. Albrecht’s work provides an indispensable foundation for anyone interested in sustainable, ecologically responsible agriculture.
William A. Albrecht, 227 pages $28.00

Soil Fertility & Human And Animal Health (Vol. 8)

Soil Fertility & Human And Animal Health (Vol. 8)

This volume is a timely and worthy addition to the preceding Albrecht Papers. Those who read it will be inspired to spread the word about the logical connections among soil health, animal health and human health until it grows into a public demand for fundamental change that is as compelling as it is necessary. That change must begin with a restored respect among both farmers and scientists for the importance of soil health. From this respect, a commitment to restoring the natural fertility and productivity of the soil must arise as a means of restoring health to humanity.
William A. Albrecht, 336 pages $34.00




2014 Moon Planting Guides


Moon Planting Guide 2014

Moon Planting Primer 2014

Moon Planting Guide for Gardeners 2014 (Wall Chart)

Moon Planting Guide 2014
Moon Planting Primer 2014
Moon Planting Wall Chart 2014

The 2014 Astro Calendar of the Antipodes. The author has combined his interest in naked eye astronomy and the plant world to produce this bio-dynamic planetary planting guide. Detailed explanations on sun, moon, and planetary rhythms, and their connections to life in the plant world. Printed on certified 100% recycled paper. Builds into a reference work.

Brian Keats, 2013, 32 pages. $22.00


With the first 20 orders receive a free copy of the Aug '13 Good Organic Gardening Magazine valued at $7.95

Simplified beginners version of Astro Calendar includes four primary rhythms, Moon phases, Moon altitude, Moon proximity to Earth, Moon in zodiac. Printed on certified 100% recycled paper.

Brian Keats, 2013, 14 pages. $10.00

Wall chart approximately 276mm x 780mm. Excellent quick reference.

Stefan Mager, 2013, 2 pages. $10.00



2013 Moon Planting Guides


Moon Planting Guide 2013

Moon Planting Primer 2013

Moon Planting Guide for Gardeners 2013 (Wall Chart)

Moon Planting Guide 2013
Moon Planting Primer 2013
Moon Planting Wall Chart 2013

Brian Keats, 2012, 32 pages. $5.00

Brian Keats, 2012, 14 pages. $3.00

Stefan Mager, 2012, 2 pages. $3.00



Looking for a useful Christmas present?

With Christmas just around the corner our 26 Packet Special makes an ideal present for any home gardener, & a good treat for yourself!

Eden 26 Packet Special
Select 26 Packet Special

Eden Seeds 26 Packet Special, includes free postage & handling. $69.50 (worth $94.40)


Select Organic 26 Packet Special, includes free postage & handling. $75.00 (worth $102.20)


Self Sufficiency Pack

If you're looking for something bigger, our Towards Self Sufficiency Seed Collection is approximately 2 years seed supply.
Special: $279.00 includes postage & handling
(Normally worth at least $372.00)


These specials are only available to order by phone: (07) 5533 1107


Seasons Greetings

We would like to thank our customers for their support over the years. It is very much appreciated.

Eden Seeds / Select Organic will only be closed for the festive days: Christmas, Boxing Day & New Years Day. We are happy to help with your smallest request.

We wish you peace and joy at this festive season.
Best wishes for the New Year.

Alf Finch and staff.


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