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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986


Love Okra? Buy Seeds for Your Garden in Australia Online

21 Feb 2017

Even though it looks a little weird both inside and out, okra is an incredible vegetable with all kinds of culinary applications and nutritious benefits. From fried okra to more light and crisp presentations, there's no shortage of ways to prepare this unusual plant. If you and your family enjoy it, you might start to look at the supermarket prices more critically. An excellent alternative is to begin growing more of your own produce. Especially if you've already cultivated vegetables in the past or currently keep a garden, growing okra seeds in Australia isn't too hard. Frost free seasons are ideal for this hardy species, after all.


So where are you going to buy the okra seeds you'll need to begin? At Eden Seeds, we hope to offer a superior choice for gardeners everywhere. Rather than offering the standard seeds one might find at a garden centre, we use only non-hybrid open-pollinated seeds. These are as natural as you'll find anywhere online. For some of our varieties, such as Clemson Spineless okra and the heirloom Star of David okra, we offer certified organic seeds as well. With no trace of genetic tampering or chemical treatment, these seeds will yield beautiful and wholesome vegetables.


Using your okra seeds in Australia


After receiving the seeds you ordered online from our store, choose the spot you'll sow them. Okra requires full sunlight to thrive, and soil must not become overly damp. Good drainage is essential to encourage healthy growth. Regarding timing, the traditional advice is that okra is best planted just after the final frost of winter. Spring is therefore generally a good time to sow, but conditions may vary based on your location in Australia. Just remember that warmth is vital to encourage your okra to grow.


When is the time to finally harvest them? It depends on the variety you chose, but pods should be about 7 cm long. This coincides with the time of flowering. Don't wait too long to pluck them off the plant; you want to send your okra into the kitchen when it's still young. Otherwise, it becomes too tough to consume. Remember to set some aside and save the seeds to replant when the next growing season arrives. You may even devise to look into home preserving methods, so you don't need to buy okra in the off seasons.


Add more to your vegetable garden with Eden Seeds


Not just a wholesome vegetable, learning to grow okra can be a rewarding and educational process all on its own. Plus, because you can trust that all Eden Seeds' products are open-pollinated and heirloom varieties, the okra you buy will produce seeds hardy enough to save and grow again. Isn't that exactly how growing your own food should work? We think so, and that's why we've spent decades securing access to reliable seeds. When you want to buy okra seeds online, it's easy to receive your order and start growing anywhere in Australia. We are always happy to help you with any further queries you may have.



Eden Seeds item Seed Savers Needed Sprout & Eat
Select Organic item Edible Flowers Sprout & Cut
Certified Organic Add to Cart   
Click the seed variety name for more information.
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Packet $3.90
20g $10.00
50g $22.50
100g $45.00
Packet $3.90
20g $8.00
100g $50.00
800g $92.00
Packet $3.90
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