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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986

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Trying to Buy Rhubarb Seeds in Australia? Look Online!

Rhubarb has many exciting applications, in both food and medicine. This plant has long been used to address a variety of common health concerns, including heartburn, stomach pain, constipation and even diarrhoea. It also happens to be a delicious filling for pies, and a tart but wonderful accent to various other fruit pastries such as cobblers and muffins. This makes rhubarb an excellent plant to have on hand, but it’s even better if you can get it fresh each time you want to use it. For that reason, many homeowners across Australia buy rhubarb seeds and plant their own rhubarb in their gardens.


When you are buying seeds of any kind, though, you have to be selective. Not all the seeds you see for sale are going to be the same, which means that certain varieties can offer you benefits not afforded by commercial produce. Our seeds are called non-hybrid seeds, which means that they come from original strains and have a higher nutritional content. Non-hybrid seeds are also referred to as open-pollinated seeds and are increasingly popular with gardeners who want to grow sustainable, responsible plants.


Where should you look for open-pollinated rhubarb seeds in Australia, though you might want to avoid local shops altogether and look a bit further afield. One good idea is to buy rhubarb seeds online, where you’ll be able to find Eden Seeds that only sell non-hybrid products. Many people assume that growing their own food will help them avoid eating inbred hybridized, but even seeds can be altered these days. If you want to eat fresh, a company focused on open-pollination is the way to go.


Eden Seeds supplies home gardeners, and hobby farmers alike and exclusively carry old traditional open-pollinated seeds. All our products are free from chemical treatment and genetic engineering, which guarantees that you’ll be planting some of the freshest and most sustainable rhubarb available when you purchase seeds from us.


Buy Rhubarb Seeds for Food Supply Independence


Home gardening can be much more than just a hobby. It's also an excellent way to avoid the fluctuating prices of groceries in a global food market that can shift unexpectedly. Many people in Australia decide not to be at the mercy of a changing economy when it comes to their fresh food supply, and grow as much produce as they can for themselves. Since rhubarb has so many potential uses, it's the ideal place to start.


A Huge Range of Non-hybrid Veggie Seeds


Eden Seeds carries Australia’s largest range of non-hybrid vegetable seeds, so rhubarb is only the tip of the iceberg lettuce, so to speak. We have 30 years of experience so when you are ready to take greater control of your nutrition and your grocery budget, call us to enquire about the various options we can provide. There is no time like the present to start your garden and start reaping the benefits of home grown produce.



Eden Seeds item Seed Savers Needed Sprout & Eat
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Rhubarb - Crimson Out of Stock
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