Originating from central America, the only perennial squash, long trailing fast growing vine. Thrives in cool weather, producing fruit in winter and spring. Sweet white flesh. Numerous fruit to watermelon size. Eat raw or steamed when immature like zucchini. Flowers, leaves and tender leaves used as greens. Mature fruit used in jams and confectionery. Protein-rich seeds are highly nutritious. Hardy, disease resistant, fruit stores for many months. Doesn't cross with other squash. Sow late summer, spring in cold climates. Germination 15-30 days.
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General information:
Squash, Winter
Originating from central America. Once harvested these will store awhile. Sow spring and summer.
3-5 seeds per gram
Companion Planting
Try these plants as good neighbours for Squash
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restrictions for this seed.
W.A. CustomersDue to quarantine restrictions in W.A. there is a 10,000 seeds limit per each variety.
Squash, Winter seed count is 3-5 seeds per gram. Please stay under this 10,000 seeds limit when ordering seeds as we will have to reduce or remove it from your order. If you have any queries on ordering large quantities please phone us on (07) 5533 1177.
TAS CustomersDue to quarantine restrictions in TAS there is an 800g limit per each seed variety.
Please stay under this 800g limit when ordering seeds as we will have to reduce or remove it from your order.