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Australia's finest range of heirloom seeds since 1986

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Why You Should Buy Non-Hybrid Spinach Seeds in Australia Online

If you ever saw a Popeye cartoon as a kid, you probably grew up with very firm ideas about how good spinach is for you. Well, those ideas are mostly right! Of course, spinach won't give you a temporary boost of superhuman strength and speed whenever you cram it into your mouth, but children and adults alike know that spinach confers an abundance of nutritional benefits upon those who consume it. According to published research it is an incredible source of many valuable vitamins and minerals, including but not limited to vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Spinach is also a good way to get some of your daily fibre, zinc and protein. It's a nutrient-rich plant that makes a beautiful addition to any garden.


Growing your own spinach isn't too difficult, either, because spinach is a relatively resilient vegetable. Of course, like any plant, spinach grows more easily under some conditions than others (cool weather and short days are ideal for raising this plant, so avoid the hottest months of the year for best results), but it's still far from a major gardening challenge. A bigger problem might be finding out where to purchase your seeds. Sure, spinach seeds are widely available from many stores, but if you're interested in the nutritional benefits of this plant, then you might want to be quite picky about the exact type of seeds you're buying.


Many people assume that because they’re planting and raising their own food, it’s naturally going to be healthier than plants that are mass produced and shipped to grocery stores. What fewer people realise is that many seeds are also a cross between two inbred plants. For a fuller and more natural source of nutrition, consider buying non-hybrid seeds. Also called heirloom seeds, these seeds come directly from original plant strains, and tend to be vastly higher in nutritional content than seeds from inbred hybrid plants.


Purchase Online from Eden Seeds


One of the best ways to purchase heirloom spinach seeds in Australia is by visiting Eden Seeds on the web and arranging to buy your spinach seeds online. Eden Seeds is committed to selling only non-hybrid seeds because we believe in nutrition and sustainability for home gardeners and hobby farmers alike. When you decide to grow our spinach, you’ll be producing an all natural product that is also extremely good for you. It’s the greenest way to eat your greens.


Buy Spinach Seeds Online and Run a Sustainable Garden


Unlike man made hybrid seeds, seeds from natural open pollinated plants (non-hybrid seeds) can be saved and grown again and return true to type. This means that if you're interested in producing your own food over extended periods of time, non-hybrid spinach seeds make an excellent investment. You'll be able to continue growing highly nutritional spinach crops in Australia if you continue caring for them. This can also help make you independent from food suppliers, and allow you to continue feeding yourself in the case of supply shortages.



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Showing items 1 - 14 of 14
Packet $3.90
20g $6.50
100g $26.00
Spinach - Ceylon Out of Stock
Packet $3.90
Packet $3.90
Packet $3.90
20g $6.50
100g $28.00
Select Organic
Packet $4.40
20g $12.00
50g $28.00
Packet $3.90
Select Organic
Packet $4.40
20g $12.00
Packet $3.90
Packet $3.90
20g $6.50
100g $28.00
Select Organic
Packet $4.40
10g $6.00
Packet $3.90
20g $9.00
50g $22.00
Packet $3.90
20g $7.50
50g $16.00
100g $30.00
Packet $3.90
20g $6.50
100g $18.00
Showing items 1 - 14 of 14


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